Monday, 7 March 2011

Weekend Feasting

I was out partying hard on Friday night (for which read watching Breakfast at Tiffany's and stuffing my face with popcorn), so naturally I had a lie-in on Saturday. In fact, I had so much of a lie-in it was actually lunch time when I got up, which felt a bit odd. I usually get up quite early. (I told you I wasn't a proper student.) Anyway, my room-mate wasn't awake yet so I had brunch in bed.

That last picture is of my soup accompaniments - toast, crackers, and some cheese. Now, this is possibly the bizarre-est cheese combination I have ever had. The wedge next to the brown cracker is some Brie de Meaux that I bought from a ridiculously over-priced cheese shop. I shan't be patronising them again. But it was delicious. Anyway, the other piece of cheese is a Dairylea Strip Cheese which was on offer at Iceland. Do you see what I mean? But they were both as good as one another in their own special ways. It was a good brunch. And I managed not to get any crumbs in the sheets.

Saturday was spent trailing round Glasgow city centre in search of a green cardigan (I got one in the last shop we went to, of course - Primark, £3. Wonder how long it'll last?) so naturally I was starving when I got back. Meatballs always do the trick (and also help in the freezer-emptying quest...) AND I had meatball sauce from Ikea!

It's a messy plate but it was good. Swedish-stylee, babe.

Moving on... I had vanilla ice-cream, ginger nuts and golden syrup for pudding.

Possibly the best pudding I have ever had.

Breakfast on Sunday:

You can never turn down a hot cross bun.

Now, I must justify my lunch on Sunday. Though actually, no - I eat fairly healthily normally and I needed something quick and filling and I'd run out of bread. And after all, it's my tummy. Here, then, is my delectable bowl of bacon-flavoured Supernoodles...

Mmmmmmm. Though as usual I couldn't eat more than half - they are just so ridiculously salty.

My friends and I went to see Russell Howard live last night - he was amazing - so we were round at my friends' house for tea. We'd been food shopping in the day (we got the train out to Morrisons. It was like coming home. I don't think I've ever felt so at peace with the world...) so we were absolutely tired out and in need of sustenance. The shops were selling Easter things on special offer, so I had a caramel bunny...

It was just what I needed.

We bought some pizzas and things to share: olive(s), dough balls, Pizza Express ham and mushroom, the same but pepperoni, and tomato and garlic bread.

They were all really good. The tomato bread was especially good dipped in the olive juice. There was tiramisu for pudding but I didn't like it... I just finished the dough balls instead.

It was a super weekend.


  1. I like how the last bit is just gratuitous pictures of Pizza Express stuff.
    Got me going ;)
    In a hunger sense...
